Best Node.js Training Institute in Nashik



The course consists of 17 chapters in-total giving full details about NodeJS starting from the basics and ending with total operational and theoretical knowledge of NodeJS. The first chapter is all about NodeJS and introduction to the basics of the NodeJS it also makes you aware about importance and of NodeJS in big enterprises.


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What will you learn in the Node.js Course?

The second is kind of a tutorial that helps in installation of Node JS, NPM and VSCode. It reduces your efforts to research and read about the installation process of Node JS, NPM and VSCode. It is followed by the module for first application. The course grades you up to a level where you can use REPL in Node JS and evaluate the results of interpreting the line of the code, print the results and loop until the user signals to quit.

The next chapter helps you to understand the core modeles in Node JS better and real time application of the same. The fifth chapter teaches you to carry out CRUD operation using FS module in a simple yet effective manner. The next chapter in the course gives you every information required to create API using Node JS which is also a necessary skill required for people seeking better job opportunities. The course also has a module which helps students & professionals to understand event modules in Node JS.

Stream and Buffer in Node JS is an important aspect that is to be covered in the best Node JS course in nashik. The course emphasizes on apprehending the concepts of Stream Pipes in Node JS starting right from the basics it takes you to an expertise level by the time course ends.

The course consists of all the basic information and definition about MongoDB and installation of the same. It also teaches you to create database in MongoDB along with creating collections and documents in MongoDB.

The course also facilitates you to read operations, delete operation and update the operations as per the requirements of the firm or client. At the end of the course you will get detailed information about MongoDB CRUD operations.


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