Best AWS Training Institute in Nashik



AWS solution architect certification course is one of the most desired certifications by employers when it comes to the AWS domain. NO wonder why it is still consistently ranked as one of the top certification programs and the AWS market is expected to reach $236B by 2025 at a CAGR of 22 per cent. We offer AWS solution architect associate training in Nashik understating the industry demands and the skill set required to ace the job market. We have a structured syllabus designed in a way that will help you learn the cost efficient and highly available system or architecture and also ensure that it is actually cost efficient. Since the job requires you to interact with customers, to understand the basic requirements and come up with a necessary solution, our course helps you with both hard skills and soft skills necessary. So let us know what all you will be learning with the AWS solution architect solution course.

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What will you learn in the AWS Course?

Our AWS Certified Solutions Architect certification is divided into four different modules. Each of these will give you an in-depth understanding of the essential technicalities of AWS in the market. Starting with the first module, which is designing resilient architecture you will be taught four topics. The first one is about designing a multi-tier architecture solution, second is understanding and designing highly available and/or fault tolerant architecture. The third chapter of this module is about learning to design decoupling mechanisms using AWS services. The last chapter of this module will introduce you to choosing appropriate resilient storage.

The second module is understanding the design of high performing architectures. In this module, you will learn to identify elastic and scalable compute solutions for a workload, select high performing and scalable storage solutions for a workload. Also, this module teaches you to select high performing networking solutions as well as a high performing database solution for a workload.

The third module comprises of different ways to securely design applications and architectures. In this module, you will learn to design secure access to AWS resources, application tiers as well as to select appropriate data security options. The fourth and the last module will teach the students about designing cost optimized architectures.

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