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C & C++ Programming

C & C++ Programming
C & C++ Programming

C and C++ being one of the oldest programming language, is used globally because of various reasons and it being fast and powerful in nature along with in-built library attracts huge amount of students, ultimately making the C and C++ certification important to grow in the field.

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What You Will Learn?

The course consists of two different modules of C and C++ having 11 and 9 chapters respectively designed in the best way to take you from basic to advance level programming and make you job ready. The first module starts with the introduction of programming language consisting types and evolution of C language, structure, development, executing and debugging of C program.

The chapter of structure and union, have, need of structure, implementing structure variable arrays of structure, structure within structure, introduction to unions, difference between structure and union. This chapter teaches handling a file using C, opening & closing file, Input/output on file random access to files and command line arguments.

The last two chapters are about dynamic memory allocation and storage class & pre-processor which teaches you the concept of dynamic allocation implementing Malloc and Calloc functions, releasing the free space; Introduction to storage class, types of storage classes introduction of pre-processor macro substitution and file inclusion. The next module starts with the introduction to object oriented programming (OOP) explaining concept & features of OOP, introduction to C++, structure of C++ program, executing and debugging a C++ program.

This chapter is about C++ tokens and type casting further consisting keywords & identifiers, operators and its precedence, constants, variables, data types, scope and lifetime of variables which is followed by classes & object specifier, defining data member and member functions, array of objects, managing console of I/O, C++ stream classes, formatted and unformatted console usage I/O usage of manipulators. The chapter throws light on major functions in C++, that is, call by reference, return by reference, function overloading and default arguments, inline, friend & static functions and static class members.

The chapter on constructors and destructors talks about the concept & types constructor, major allocation (new and delete), usage of destructor. The next two chapters are about the operator overloading and inheritance which includes overloading unary and binary operators, overloading using friend function; types of inheritance, virtual based classes and abstract base classes’ constructor and destructor in derived class.

The last chapters of the course are about working with files and exception handling, which explains in detail the file operations, file pointer and their manipulation file updation with random access; various exception handling classes, implementing try and catch block and use of throw keyboard.


Benefits of Learning C & C++ Programming

The best C and C++ training classes in Nasik helps you to up skill your knowledge in the field and the certification helps students to validate and showcase their knowledge in a competitive market ultimately helping in better job placement and salary.

The C and C++ certification acts as a proof to the employer that you possess the expertise necessary to fulfill the duties.
The certification helps you to get through the initially screening.
The certificate provides identified benchmark of skills and knowledge that can be seamlessly integrated into a company's skill framework.
It also makes sure that individual involved in various IT projects are trained to steadily and expected levels of the skill set.

It is the best C and C++ certification course in Nasik which will help you to gain knowledge in the best way possible making you the best fit for any organization along with helping you to perform at higher productivity and meet the desired standards of the company.

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