Best React.js Training Institute in Nashik



Get enrolled in the best training classes in Nashik and get certified the with the best certification course for React JS. The certification course of React JS the best to enhance your portfolio and build unparallel competencies in the open-source Javascript library that is used for building user interfaces specifically used for single-page applications.

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What will you learn in the React.js Course?

The course is divided into thirteen detailed modules taking over every aspect of React JS in a comprehensive manner to acquaint students with React JS holistically. The very first module is an introduction to React JS which also discuss the advantages, work flow and scope of React JS. This is followed by the module of JSX which starts with introducing virtual DOM and explaining difference between JS and JSX. It also explains react components overview, containers & components and explanation of child components, namespaced components and availability of Javascript in JSX.

The third module of React JS environment setups is a complete guide to understand concepts like node setup, usage of NPM, creation of package.json and purpose of it, ES6 introduction & features, web pack overview, best IDE for React JS and writing optimized code in React JS it also includes explanation of React JS browser plugins overview. This module of real-time application by using React JS help students to create a react component with JSX template, and nested components; it also explains react JS render and react props overview. The module ends with introduction of props validation with data types, flow of states, initialize states and update states.

The module for react JS forms and UI explains lists of form components, setup controlled and uncontrolled form components, control input elements, how to set default values on all formats of input elements, react JS form validation, write styles and animation overview. It is followed by module for React JS component life cycles overview and routing in React JS & other JS concepts defines initial render, props & stage change, component willMount, component didMount, component Unmount; and single page application overview, configuring react router, history of router, handling conditional statement in JSX and IIFE in JSX for complex logic overview.

The next three modules of event handling in JSX, writing styles in React JS and React router with navigation consists of sub-topics like onBlur, onKeyUp, onChange and other useful primary events in React JS, sharing events between the components; CSS & inline styles in react JS overview & introduction to styled components; and loading the router library, configuring the react router, passing & receiving parameters and integration of React-cookie overview.

The module for Fluxoverview defines Flux architecture, Flux components available, stores, dispatchers, view controllers, actions, and views, working of Flux and Flux & React together. The last two modules for redux overview and unit testing overview cover topics like introduction to One store, provider component, actions, reducers, sagas, dispatchers, view controllers & Selctor; necessary tools required for unit testing, React unit testing overview, introduction to JEST, testing React component and router.

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