Best Java & Advance Java Training Institute in Nashik

Java & Advance Java

Java & Advance Java
Java & Advance Java

Get enrolled in the best Java and MVC training course in Nashik and kick start your journey for becoming an expert. Java is deemed to be the most used language program with more than 3 Billion devices running Java programs including big data and android development. This huge market allows professionals to choose from multiple job opportunities and work in a place where they can reach their full potential.

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What will you learn in the Java & Advance Java Course?

The course comes with a refined set of 18 chapters that will help you to learn as a whole starting from basic object oriented programming to web applications of Java – advanced Java. First things first, the first chapter starts with a detailed introduction of programming languages and the need of Java. It includes other aspects like role of compiler, features of Java, role of JVM, how to install Java, IDC-eclipse installation and overview of eclipse.

The second chapter consists of several sub-topics, namely, basic programming structure of Java, how to write main function in Java, and naming conventions of Java along with learning skills to print and read data in Java. This chapter is focused on several important topics like creating classes in Java, features of OOP in Java, inheritance, types of inheritance of Java, super keyword, and project on inheritance in Java, abstract class & interface, project on interface, constructors and use of the keywords.

The fourth chapter is emphasized on strings which includes string data-type, class, buffer, string builder class, Stringtokenizer class and built in functions of strings – Operations on strings. The chapter is all about exception and error handling, introduction of built-in exception classes, try.. catch block, neasted try.. catch, exception handling with method overload, customized exception handling, use of throw & throws keyword and use of final, finally and finalize (garbage collector in Java). This chapter starts with defining threads in Java, it’s use, application and implementation in Java. It also explains thread as class, interface & instance, synchronization problem of thread, thread synchronization using synchronized keyword & blocked, inter-thread communication, thread priority and daemon thread.

The chapter is about handling files in Java and carrying out operations on file. It aids you to build understanding of FileInputStream (BufferedInputStream, FileReader Class) along with FileOutputStream (BufferedOutputStream, FileWriter class) and understanding data input & data output stream class. The next two chapters have sub-topics like serialization & deserialization process, encryption & decryption algorithm implementation techniques; collection framework and classes, arraylist, linkedlist, PriorityQueue, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet, HashMap, LinkedHashMap, TreeMap, iterator and Listiterator. This chapter is based on the basics of networking, URL, SOCKET, IP Address, Port No., Use of URL, URLConnection & httpURLConnection class, and socket programming.

Last chapter of this segment introduces you with JDBC & DBMS, installation of MySQL server, Basic SQL commands of MySQL, how to integrate MySQL & eclipse IDE, class use in JDBC – statement, prepared statement, result set, connection, drive manager and how to perform CRUD operations on DBMS using Java. Advance Java starts with chapter-12 with an introduction of web application in Java & basic need of client applications which further includes overcome of AWT, APPLET, SWING requirement of web application creation, introduction of server installation of server (APACCHE TOMCAT) and integration of server in Eclipse.

This chapter starts with a brief introduction of Servlet and its LifeCycle. It pays a major emphasis on generic, Http Servlet, Built-in function of Servlet, Doget(), Dopost(), HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, setcontentType() and SendRedirect().

Next three chapters consist of sub-topics like folder hierarchy of enterprise edition of Eclipse, how to add basic Servlet; Web application using Servlet, use of web.xml file; web application using customized Html template designs and built Servlet project using HTML designs

The last two chapters are all about integration of web applications with JDBC and performing CRUD operations of Web applications; deployment of project, introduction of hosting Cpanel & WHM, creation of .WAR file and how to deploy .WAR file and access project though other client or other mobile devices.

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